Enhance The Value of Your Home

Enhance The Value of Your Home

Landscaping does more than benefit the environment and make your yard a special place to enjoy. It can also add to the resale value of your home. In fact, the Gallup Organization estimates that landscaping can add between 7% and 15% to a home’s value. There...
Watering Tips

Watering Tips

Always water your plants and your lawn in the morning. Feeding your plants in the morning gets them off to a good start and gives them the energy they need to get through the day, just as we need a healthy breakfast to start our day. In the evenings, plants wind down...

Ten Tips for Trouble Free Tomatoes

Want fewer troubles with your tomatoes? Consider these ten tips: 1. Choose the right location. Tomatoes need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Leave plenty of space between plants for good air circulation. Staking also helps. 2. Rotate Crops. Many disease...
Pruning Pointers

Pruning Pointers

Have you often wondered, when is the best time to prune your shrubs and evergreens? The questions we get asked most frequently are those having to do with when and how to prune shrubs and evergreens. Many gardeners are often apprehensive about doing any pruning for...

Spring Planting Tips

1. Pay Attention to Soil Preparation. Do not skimp. Many beginning gardeners learn this the hard way. Don’t bring your plants home until your soil is ready to plant. If you buy plants on impulse before the garden is ready, you’ll either succumb to the...
Mole and Vole Control

Mole and Vole Control

Moles and voles are rodents that live underground and are very rarely seen except for the damage that they do. They feed on grubs, earthworms and other insects and also the roots of plants. All of this causes damage to the lawn by severing roots and raising sod...